The Electricity Transmission System Operator Understanding EU Energy Policy

Currently, the key element upon which EU energy policy is focused is the implementation of the so-called Third Liberalisation Package. This policy is based on a mechanism of far reaching regulation. Transmission system operators (TSOs) are at the heart of regulation of the single European…

  • Autor: Filip Grzegorczyk
  • Wydawnictwo: C. H. Beck
  • Numer ISBN: 9788325542009
  • Data wydania: 2018-02-26

Currently, the key element upon which EU energy policy is focused is the implementation of the so-called Third Liberalisation Package. This policy is based on a mechanism of far reaching regulation. Transmission system operators (TSOs) are at the heart of regulation of the single European energy market, because of their fundamental significance to the structure and operation of the energy sector. It is believed that the future of the European energy market and European energy security will to a large extent depend on TSOs. The study focuses on different legal issues which impact on the status of TSOs under EU law (unbundling, corporate governance, public tasks and financial management).

In the light of the fact that EU energy regulation has made unbundling a key legal instrument in the achievement of Energy Policy Goals, the author gives analysis of the whole concept of regulatory framework and overview of selected legal systems. This book is a way forward in this complicated and still not well implemented issue in the practice of EU single market and of EU Member States. professor Hana Horak, University of Zagreb, Department of Law, Jean Monnet Chair

SKU: 9788325542009

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