The Economics of Fiscal Competition

The monograph attempts to answer to crucial questions of the essence of the confluence of local public finance and corporate finance. Why local authori ties are ready to compete for limited and mobile source of taxation? How distinguish and what determine their ability and propensity…

  • Autor: Walasik Artur;Gałuszka Jolanta
  • Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach
  • Numer ISBN: 9788378753919
  • Data wydania: 2017-10-19

The monograph attempts to answer to crucial questions of the essence of the confluence of local public finance and corporate finance. Why local authori ties are ready to compete for limited and mobile source of taxation? How distinguish and what determine their ability and propensity to compete? What make local jurisdiction attractive for business location? And how localisation of business is related to both liquidity and profitability of firm? Because of the problem in question is twofold, the monograph is comprised of two complementary parts. First part has been dedicated to fiscal federalism, the chapters of second part are for business localisation.

SKU: 9788378753919

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